Aug 1, 2004

Aug 2004-Our First Arrival

I am now writing from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. To some of you, this may be a surprise. I’m sorry I was not able to say goodbye to all of you. Well, when Jesus called his disciples, Peter and Andrew left their nets at once, James and John left their father without delay. There is no time to say goodbye.

But of course, I have not answered to God’s call at once. I have never really pictured what it meant to walk up front during a Missions conference when I was 17. I only knew that I wanted to let God use my life in whatever way He wanted. This simple decision has led to events in my life I’ve never imagined.

I’ve always imagined serving God full-time after I’ve worked a couple of years and become more mature and advanced in years. However, God “pulled” me right into working for Him in youth ministry in Grace Baptist Church after my graduation from NUS. Then, He led me to work 4 years in ORTV reaching the Chinese speaking folks through media. I finally understood that God wanted to use my life NOW, not when I’ve retired. So, I figured if I’m going to work for Him for life, I’ve better get myself equipped. That’s where I am now.

I’ll be pursuing a Master of Arts in Christian Education, with an emphasis in student ministries and media. My husband, Jason, will be doing his Master of Divinity here in SWBTS as well. We hope to partner each other in serving the Lord. Our immediate prayer request is that we’ll find a good tenant for our S’pore flat and be good stewards of money over here.

“For it is God who works in you (and me) to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13. The bewildering call of God can never be understood absolutely nor explained definitely. Yet, to answer it is simply to trust Him and allow Him to accomplish His own purposes in each of our lives.

We thank God for:

*Going through US customs smoothly and easily with all our barang-barangs.
*Joseph and Amelia, a Singaporean couple studying here too who helped us tremendously before our coming and in our 1st week of arrival.
*Providing us with furniture for our apartment as we learn to be karang-gunis.

Will write more after term starts on August 19th.
